YWPA - Young Woman in Public Affairs Award
The Zonta Club of Mt Barker Inc makes available each year an award that acknowledges a Year 12 female student in Eastern Fleurieu R-12 School and Mt Barker High School. The selected student in each school is expected to have displayed a high level of leadership and involvement in both their School and wider Community.
A certificate is presented at the school's end of year ceremony with a cheque as part of the prize.
Other Resilience Awards are presented each year to students who have found it very difficult to complete their schooling during the year but have overcome huge obstacles to complete their year successfully.
Schools involved include:
Eastern Fleurieu School Strathalbyn - x2 awards
Mt Barker High School
Adelaide Hills Vocational College
St Mary's College
The Zonta Club of Mt Barker Inc makes available each year an award that acknowledges a Year 12 female student in Eastern Fleurieu R-12 School and Mt Barker High School. The selected student in each school is expected to have displayed a high level of leadership and involvement in both their School and wider Community.
A certificate is presented at the school's end of year ceremony with a cheque as part of the prize.
Other Resilience Awards are presented each year to students who have found it very difficult to complete their schooling during the year but have overcome huge obstacles to complete their year successfully.
Schools involved include:
Eastern Fleurieu School Strathalbyn - x2 awards
Mt Barker High School
Adelaide Hills Vocational College
St Mary's College
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If you would like to be kept up-to-date with our activities you can subscribe to our regular E-Newsletter.
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